A strong proponit of the idea of the Jedi Order being a proactive, aggressive group, Master Kyp Durron was a dangerous opponent both in the debating arena and the battlefield. Like all New Jedi Order members, Kyp Durron was a master of the three rings of defense, basically a more advanced version of Form one. However, I believe Master Durron took this a step further and practiced Form one as his primary, as he is constantly described as fighting in a wildly and aggressive style, although Forms five and seven are a possibility as well, possibly a hybrid of multiple forms. Although (to my knowledge) Durron has never been depicted in a serious Lightsaber duel, he has been on the front lines of both the Yuuzhan Vong War and battles with the Lost Tribe of the Sith, more than likely giving him at least some experience in this area.
Kyp Durron had a ridiculous amount of raw power with the Force, rivaling that of Luke Skywalkers and being the only none Skywalker to be considered for the role of Sith Lord by Lumiya. His enhanced physical skills and reflexes allowed him to become one of the greatest pilots in the Order, his telekinesis was powerful enough to overcome the gravity of a gas giant, could consistently beat others Force users. has been depicted producing Force lightning and, in general, proved himself to be one of the most powerful members of the Jedi Order and Lukes students.
A human male of average build, Kyp Durron did not really have any particularly impressive physical feats or weaknesses. His speed and strength were average for that of a Force user and, aside from surviving the Kessel spice mines at a young age, he hasn't really displayed any outstanding physical endurance.
Although his Lightsaber is of standard build, it's blade has changed color many times, from red to yellow, although whether this is inconsistency or actually a change, is unknown.
Thank the maker for users like EvanNova95 and those at comic vine because this blog is too vague... and maybe too bias.