Darth Sidious, in a similar fashion to Jedi master Even Piell, did not practice any one lightsaber form, instead wielding a hybrid of all seven forms, although I believe it was heavily influenced by forms six and seven. In terms of how effective Sidious actually was with the blade, the best way to put it would be "Powerhouse". He stomped the Sith brothers Savage Opress and Darth Maul, killed Jedi masters Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto in a matter of seconds, and faced down both Mace Windu and Yoda on even ground. However, a closer examination of these battle will slightly lesson the impressiveness of these feats: Although he dueled them both at once, Sidious only subdued/killed Maul and Savage when they were separated from each other, not to mention that Jedi master Obi-wan Kenobi managed to beat both of them at the same time before, albeit with considerably more effort. In addition, Saesee Tiin has lost to padawan Kenobi in a sparring match before, and Kit Fisto has a major weakness in one on one combat, meaning that only the death of Kolar is truly impressive.
As with most new Jedi Order characters, Darth Caedus's lightsaber form remains unknown, with it being very likely that he has knowledge in multiple forms. However, considering his fighting style is described as strong and aggressive, not to mention the fact he was trained by Luke Skywalker, it is most likely he is a practitioner of form Five. Caedus was an absolute MASTER of the blade, outranking a good majority of his contemporaries. As a Jedi, he was declared to be a prodigy with the blade, and as a newly christened Sith he managed to fight relatively evenly with the skilled Jedi master Mara Jade, although he was eventually defeated. Later on, he defeated multiple Jedi at once, battlemaster Kyle Katarn and, most impressively, he stalemated Grandmaster Luke Skywalker. Although he WAS eventually killed by his sister, Jaina Solo in one on one combat, this was after he had been severely injured, including being stabbed threw the mid section and one of his hands sliced off. To put it simply, Darth Caedus was easily in the running for the best duelist of his age, and definitely a top tier.
A tough call, as both of these are some of the best duelists of there age, possibly for the entire saga. Both of them were blindingly fast, capable of taking down large groups of Jedi at once, and in general, although there fighting styles are actually quite different, they have both proven themselves to be truly impressive duelists. However, I would have to give the ever so slight edge to Caedus, for reasons I am about to explain: While just a Jedi master, Luke Skywalker managed to at least hold his own against Sidious's clone, who was basically Sidious except mentally older and physically younger. Although I usually disagree with "a beats b, b beats c, so a beats c" logic, I must admit I agree with it hear: someone capable of holding his own against in his prime Luke has a VERY good chance of defeating ROTS Sidious. Although how Katarn, Mara and Jaina match up with Maul, Windu and Yoda is DEFINITELY up to debate, I would put Luke and Caedus above them all (or at least equals with Windu and Yoda, both of whom at least came close to beating Sidious). Thus, I give Caedus the edge in martial arts.
Darth Sidious has been described many times, and by many different sources, as THE most powerful Sith in history. However, I am inclined to pretty much ignore this, for one simple reason: I like examining what the character can actually do, not a arbitrary rank assigned by a guide book. In terms of what Sidious has actually shown, he is more impressive for how he uses his rather mundane powers than for any unique or special abilities. This was especially true for his skill in Sith lighting, his fearsomely powerful bolts killing with a single blast and even partially breaking lightsabers. His telekinesis was also advanced in terms of magnitude, allowing him to easily fling around heavy objects. And of course, his stealth abilities allowed him to hid in plain sight from the entire Jedi order.
Darth Caedus is a mixed bag when it comes to force powers. On the one hand, he traveled the galaxy, visiting many different force using groups and gaining a wide variety of unusual powers such as flow walking, blood trails, stealth and many others. On the other hand, very few of them could actually be used in combat and, although he had many unusual ability's, in combat he was mostly restrained to the standard Sith fare. His speed enhancement was notable and outpaced most others.H is telekinesis, force choke and Sith lightning were also quite powerful. Using the Dark side of the force, Caedus's tolerance for pain was incredible, to the point where he could almost out right ignore physical pain. While Jacen Solo was able to become one with the force, I do not believe that Caedus retained this skill.
Ironically, in the arguably most important area between these two, there is very little difference. Although I would say Sidious has more raw power in the Force, and Caedus has more actual powers, I would say in practice, there powers are nearly identical in terms of practical use. Thus, I declare them equals in terms of Force powers.
At the time of Order 66, Sidious was a human male in his sixties, but either remained in great physical shape or is really good at physical augmentation, as he was able to match Yodas speed and Windus strength. After his duel with Master Windu, Sidious's face was severely scarred by his own force lighting.
Once known as Jacen Solo, Darth Caedus was the son of Leia and Han Solo. He was a human male, still in the prime of his life, and as such was physically strong and swift, as befitting a martial artist. His tolerance for pain was absolutely incredible although, as previously mentioned, this was largely due to his force powers.
A rather clear call: Caedus is younger, fitter, and not heavily scarred. Thus, I give Darth Caedus the physical edge.
Although Darth Sidious has wielded both of his blood red lightsabers at once before, he only did this when he knew he would be confronting Darth Maul and Savage Opress, noted dual wielding specialists. His weapons hilts were also covered in elcetrum finish, making them less likely to be destroyed by other lightsabers.
Very little is known about Caedus/s lightsaber, and the one direct image I can find of it, doesn't even match the other art for Caedus. Although under Jacen Solo it was powered by a green crystal, it was later changed to red when he fell to the dark side. It also appeared to have a slight curve to it. As with most new Jedi Order members, Jacen was also experienced with a blaster.
Sidious almost never wields both blades at once, normally leaving the other hidden in storage. Similarly, Caedus does not normally carry a blaster with him. Thus, I believe them to be equals in the equipment category.
Okay, lets just get this out of the way: On paper, Caedus wins. He is a slightly better duelist, can take much more damage, etc, etc, etc. Okay? Okay. For most versus videos, or mine at least, I assume we are removing there prior knowledge of each other: for example, I would assume Shaak Ti and Plo Koon have never met if I made a versus vid between them. This time however, I am rather interested in how this match plays out when you take into account there prior knowledge and/or there tactical response (hence the glossing over of the normal verdict), starting with the Emperor. Sidious, of course, has no prior knowledge of Caedus (the later's rise to power begining over twenty years after the former's fall) and he might even mistake Caedus for a run of the mill dark sider (hey, if he cant sense the Jedi Grandmaster sneaking up on him, then its possible). As for his tactical response, I believe Sidious to be something of a mixed bag. He is certainly intelligent and when he has time to prepare for a battle (such as against Windus strike force) he will probably pull something off like the killing of three powerful Jedi masters in mere seconds. However, when facing an unexpected enemy such as Yoda his first real response (after his force powers anyway) is to attempt to flee. However, as Jensarai said, this just shows a lack of confidence, not a lack of competence. Basically, I believe Sidious largely incapable of facing top tiers he knows nothing about on the fly. And can you really blame him? Sidious has surprisingly little experience with serious lightsaber battles, only being involved in three to date. Caedus on the other hand, not only would have grown up hearing horror stories about Sidious and probably gaining a (most likely over inflated) idea of his powers, but he is also a much more experienced warrior, being on the front line of many major conflicts and having very little trouble with surprise attacks. Basically, when I take all this into account, I believe this fight would play out with Sidious rushing in head long, while Caeuds falls back and fights defensively. However, once the younger Dark lord realizes Sidious isn't going to eat his soul, I believe the fight would be quickly ended, with Caedus applying a kick to the head and/or deflecting lighting back at an unprepared Sidious. I declare Caedus the all around victor.
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