Darth Sion was a practiced hand at martial arts and lightsaber duels. Although not confirmed by any source, I (and other Versus series creators) believe he wields a hybrid combination of Forms 2 and 4, owing to his preference for aggressive acrobatics and quick, accurate jabs. A veteran of Exar Kuns Sith war, Darth Sion has defeated countless Jedi over the course of his carrier, although this was due in a large part to his ability to shrug of everything short of a decapitation. Although he was probably the weakest member of the Sith Triumvirate he was still a considerable powerful Sith lord, slicing off Traya's hand and at the very least presenting something of an challenge for Meetra Surik and Darth Nihilus. All in all, a pretty effective package.
Although, generally speaking, Sion did not have nearly as many practical or powerful abilities as the other members of the KOTOR Sith team, Sion does have a good deal of natural, raw power with the Force. However, this is only evidenced by his ability to hold his body together by pure rage alone, again, implying a ridiculous amount of raw Dark Side power. In a more practical sense, Sion is competent when it comes to telekinesis and self augmentation, displaying the standard abilities that force sensitives are known for. Sion has no known skill with Force lightning however.
Originally a normal human male (in a similar vane as Nihilus) Sion eventually became little more than a walking corpse, covered in torn skin and being mistaken for a dead body many times. Although he was in constant pain, Sion makes up for this by being effectively immortal, with nothing short of a decapitation being enough to stop him.
Unlike practically every other KOTOR Sith team member, Sion is armed with only a single red bladed Sith lightsaber with nothing out of the ordinary.
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