It is a time of crisis in the Republic. In a daring raid, the Separatists attack Coruscant and kidnap chancellor Palpatine. However, brave Jedi knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi board the escaping Separatist vessel. Confronting the leader of the Cconfederacy Count Dooku, Kenobi is knocked out, but Anakin slices off the Counts hands and subdues him, holding his blade at his throat. With Palpatine urging him on, Anakin moves forward to decapitate the Count. However, something in the Force shifts ever so subtlety, and Anakin pauses. UnIgniting his lightsaber, Anakin proclaims it is "not the way of the Jedi". Oblivious to Palpatines furious scowl, Anakin leaves Dooku disarmed and helpless, running over to check on Kenobi. Together, the two Jedi figure out a way to end the battle quickly and desisevly: they force Dooku to order the Separatist forces, although Grievous still escapes. Returning to Coruscant, Dooku is taken into custody by the Jedi, although he refuses to tell them about the Sith, not convinced that Sidious was betraying him. However, Sidious himself was currently stewing in his hidden Sith enclave on Coruscant: He had failed to convince Anakin to fall deeper into the Dark side. Although he wasn't ready to give up on the young Jedi, he still contacted Grievous and informed the general of a new plan he was going to put into action. Meanwhile, Anakin himself is being haunted by visions of his secret wife, Padme', dying in childbirth. With Yoda not offering much help, Anakin is left felling lost and worried. However, he is soon approached by Kenobi, who is leaving to hunt down Grievous, who tells him that the council wants him to spy on Palaptine. Still having his doubts, Anakin agrees to spy on the chancellor. However, after events on the Invisible hand, Anakin is now unsettled and nervous around his one time friend. Angered, Palaptine condemns Anakin as "Just another Jedi" and kicks him out of his office. Angry and confused, Anakin flees to the underworld and contemplates what he should do next. However, Mace Windu gets word from Kenobi on Utapua and Yoda on Kashyyyk that the Separatists leaders are on Mustafar. windu and Agen Kolar leave to inform the chancellor, but find that he just left for the Jedi temple. At the temple, Anakin is hurrying towards the council chamber, having decided to at least tell Obi-wan about Padme, but he is knocked down by a giant explosion. Turning to see the source, Anakin sees three dozen figures dressed in black. Deciding that he would now take the direct approach, but not wanting to use the clones against a fully prepared Jedi order, Sidious has instead gathered all the dark siders he can: From Barriss Offeee to Aurua Sing to Depa Billaba to Grievous. The Jedi however have been searching fro a Sith lord on Coruscant and Yoda had long since prepared the Jedi at the temple for a Sith attack. While Jedi knights evacuate younglings and padawans deeper into the temple, Anakin, Cin Dralig, Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti ignite there lightsabers and lead the Jedi masters against the dark siders. Although in another world, Vader got inside through surprise and attacked a temple that was missing most of its best masters, this temple was prepared and lead by Anakin and several others. The entrance hall erupts into a furious whirl of clashing light, as the Jedi and Dark Jedi engage each other. At the same time, two dark Jedi go to kill Dooku, Sidious'es ulterior motive. Unfortunately for them, Kolar and Windu had arrived back at the temple and were checking on the former Sith. After an extremely brief duel, Windu and Kolar are addressed by Dooku. He is not a fool and knows who sent the dark Jedi: Dooku immediately tells them everything about the Sith. Meanwhile, despite there best efforts, the surviving Jedi in the grand hall have been surrounded. Sidious steps out of the shadows, shocking the surviving Jedi, especially Anakin. Cackling madly, the Dark lord informs them that none of them will survive to tell his secret identity. Unfortunately for him, a small voice calls out from the entry way. "Not if anything about it to say, I have". Sensing the Siths plot, Yoda gathered Kenobi, Plo Koon and several others and hurried to the temple. At the same time Windu and Kolar arrive and while Kolar runs to join the now reengaged battle between Jedi and Dark Jedi, Windu ignites his own blade and leaps towards Sidious who ignites his own two blades and charges towards Windu. There duel moves over the entire hall, both of them engaged in a furious battle. Sidious, at first, unleashes his full dark side power against the Jedi, but Windu ducks and dodges around the Sith, eventually slicing through one of his lightsabers. Letting out a furious roar, Sidious unleashes force lightning, forcing Windu to leap away. Turning back, Windu is shocked to wheel around and see Anakin engaging the Sith lord. Soon, the dark Jedi are all dead or defeated. The only duel continuing is between Sidious and Anakin. Reaching deep into the force, Sidious senses Anakins anxiety: Padme' just went into labor. Playing on this fear, Sidious mocks Anakin into using the Dark side. Blindly rushing forwards, Anakin is caught off guard by the Dark lord, who slices through his robotic arm. Sidious turns to face Windu or Yoda, but is caught off guard by a force push from behind. Anakin is still standing, wielding his lightsaber in his other hand. Now prepared for the Sith, Anakin reengages Sidious and blocks out his mental attack. However, with only one hand, Anakin finds himself with a major disadvantage. Making a split second decision, Anakin throws away his blade and taps deeper into he light side of the force than he ever has before. There is a blinding flash of light and the other Jedi are greeted by the sight of Sidious angrily cursing the Jedi: Anakin has removed his force ability. Anakin meanwhile, flees the temple and rushes to find his wife in a nearby hospital. Arriving just in time, Anakin helps her threw delivery and happily becomes the father of twins. the holonets meanwhile, not only report on the battle at the Jedi temple, but that without a leader the Confederacy has devolved into infighting, with Republic forces mopping them up. In the morning, Anakin goes to the council ready to face the masters. However, he finds the new Grandmaster Ti and master of the order Kenobi. Both Windu and Yoda have left with Sidious to Dagobah, where they will imprison and guard the Dark lord, as even now he presents a threat. Thankful for his great service to there order, the council not only does not condemn him for his secret marriage (although they point out that if they were any other masters he would probably have at least some repercussions) but is offered the rank of master and a seat on the council (due to most of its members being killed in the battle). However, Anakin hands over his lightsaber and polity defects from the order. New threats will rise in the galaxy, but for now, the Skywalker clan will live peacefully on Naboo. At least untill Luke and Leia are sent for Jedi training.
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