Greetings viewers and fellow Imperial knights! This is Hondo here with an epic versus battle, on request from my fellow versus series creator Wolf Myth. Today we have two of the most powerful Jedi in history: The new orders grandmaster Luke Skywalker and The Hero of Tython... The Hero of Tython. Theres not much else to say, so lets just jump right in!
Before we begin, if you are wondering where I am getting my info on the Hero of Tython, check out my previous videos with him. With that out of the way: The Hero of Tython's, as with most Jedi Guardians, was primarily centered on his skill with his blade. Although he was also skilled with Shien and Soresu (which he used to great affect against blaster wielders), the only form the Hero of Tython is mentioned as mastering Shi Cho, the first lightsaber form. Despite the forms general weakness at one on one dueling (as evidenced by Kit Fisto) this is a weakness the Hero has apparently and completely nullified this: his number of named Sith he defeated in lightsaber duels is over twenty, containing such high level Lords as Bengel Mor, Darth Angrual, Tol Braga and of course the Sith emperor, to name just a few. In short, the Hero is not only a top tier for his age, but for the entire saga.
The son of the legendary Jedi knight Anakin Skywalker, grandmaster Luke inherited his fathers force potential, flying ability and skills with a blade. Although I originally believed him to be a master of Nimen, I have been informed his primary form is Dejem So. That being said, Luke actually mastered all seven forms (including Vappad) so I guess I was technically right. Anyways, as the only Jedi character for a long while, Luke has been involved in many MANY duels, and as such has become one of the greatest duelists from the series. His most impressive achievements are as follows: His defeat of Vader with very little training, dueling the reborn Sidious to a standstill, defeating Sith lady Luminya several times and finally (and most impressively, at least to me) dueling Abeloth...and a dozen the same time...and was WINNING. In short, Luke surpassed both his masters with the blade.
Who ever gets the edge here, it would be a duel in the ages. Although it is INCREDIBLY close, I have to give the edge to Luke: not only is his track record more impressive, but he also has a more sophisticated and refined form. Although the Hero would be able to match him for quite some time, he would eventually be outmaneuvered. Luke gets the advantage in the martial arts category.
Despite being considered the most powerful Jedi of his time, the Hero primarily focused on his bladework, leaving his force powers relatively underdeveloped. Although his telekinesis was powerful enough to lift many tones of stone and his force defense could stop the Sith emperor's force Lightning, the Hero was not as powerful with the force as, say, the Barsenthor.
Grandmaster Skywalker was easily one of the greatest force users of all time. He could walk on lava unprotected, he could manipulate black holes, match Abeloths strength in the force, retain his identity and...well, what more do I need to say? He learned almost every known force power (even dark side ones) and utterly outclassed just about everybody in terms of raw power.
Sadly, this edge is incredibly obvious. Everything the Hero can do, Luke can defend himself from, and than respond in kind but with twice the magnitude. Luke gets a clear edge in Force powers.
The Hero was a Zabrak male in the prime of his life. As such, he could take a lot of damage before going down and could beat up just about anyone he wanted to.
Luke Skywalker was a human male in his sixties. However, because he was a light side force user, not only was he not as affected as a normal person by his advancing age, but he could also augment himself through the force.
The Hero is much faster and stronger, and even though Luke can augment himself, that is a force attribute not a physical one. Thus, the Hero of Tython gets the edge.
As a Jedi Guardian, the Hero of Tython was armed with a single, blue bladed lightsaber with no inherent advantages or disadvantages. In addition to this, the Hero also almost always wore lightsaber resistant armor.
Luke Skywalker was armed with both a standard emerald bladed lightsaber and a scarlet shoto. His main weapon was the lightsaber which Luke used very effectively. The more rarely used shoto was used on rare occasions to increase his defense and combat special weapons like a light wipe.
A close call, but I am going to have to give this to the Hero. His armor is not only more practical, but he uses it much more often than Luke does his shoto. The Hero gets the edge.
And now, it's time for the verdict. This is one of my favorite matchups and again, thanks to Wolfmyth for suggesting it. In the end, although he would be able to stalemate him for a very long time, not only with the force but especially with the blade, I have to say Luke would win over the Hero. True, the Hero is physically stronger (even more so with his armor) and is no slouch with the force and absolutely a master of the blade. However, Grandmaster Skywalker has curbstomped just about everything he has fought and, in the end, has shown more advancement and especially raw skill than the Hero can match. Although both of them belong in a list of top ten most powerful Jedi (possibly top three) Luke is slightly more powerful. So yes, Luke Skywalker is declared the winner. Well, I hope you enjoyed this epic matchup! If you have an disagreement or suggestion, leave it in the comments below. This is Hondo Moonrazor signing off!!!
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