The galaxy is in turmoil. Even with the Sith defeated, the Republic is still corrupt, even under the guidance of chancellor Bail Organa. Even more, the war between the Republic and Confederacy continues, with the Ventress lead Separatists being driven back over and over again. However, the former Dark allocate continues to meditate on the dark side of the force. One day, she fells a presence that is....unfamiliar. Probing deeper, she discovers that a dark side call is coming from deep in the unknown regions. Leaving the Confederate forces temporarily under the command of a lieutenant, she takes her personal ship into wild space, following the mysterious signal. Coming out of hyperspace, Ventress is shocked to discover something amazing: a Sith empire. Created by Sith purebloods fleeing the Republic after the great galactic war and bolstered by refuges from the fourth great schism, this lost empire has grown unchecked in a satellite galaxy for the past three thousand years. Sending a signal to her forces to follow her route to escape the Republic, Ventress travels to the Siths capital world, kills there emporer and takes control, proclaiming herself Darth Kusk. Meanwhile, Anakin and Padme Skywalker bid a sad goodbye to four year old Luke and Leia as they are taken to the Jedi temple. Over the next nine years, the two Skywalkers live and train with many other students, including Galen Marek who becomes Lukes friend, and eventually take part in the padawan trials, with both of them tying for first place. While Leia is apprenticed to Master of the Order Obi-wan Kenobi, Luke is instead apprenticed to Jedi knight Kannan Jarrus. Together, the two would continue there Jedi training, getting involved in the constant wars between crime lords. Meanwhile, Anakin and Padme have another son, Owen, who they deciede to not send to the Jedi. Eventually, at the age of 23, Leia passes her trials, while Luke fails and, feeling lost and dejected, sets his nava computer on random and arrives at a strange swamp planet. Crash landing, Luke discovers that he has landed on Dagobah, the prison planet for Darth Sidious, with an aged Yoda watching over him (Dooku and Windu died of old age a while ago). Conversing with the wizened Jedi, Luke is still unable to stop Sidious from stealing his fighter and escaping. Meeting up with his master, Luke and the other Jedi witness the former grandmaster passing into the force, before trying to figure out where the escaped former Sith has escaped to. Unfortunately for the Skywalkers, Sidious had made a straight bee line for Naboo, finding Padme alone at the house. Felling a dark disturbance in the force, both Luke and Leia head for there home planet, where they find a grief stricken Anakin about to kill Sidious. Stepping in at the last minute, Luke manages to convince Anakin to stand down, allowing a squad of clones to execute the Sith. While Luke is promoted to Jedi knight for his compassion, Anakin, with nothing left, rejoins the Jedi order and takes over from his own master (who is about seventy by now) as the master of the Order. Meanwhile, a shadowed figure is silently amused. Darth Kusk is pleased, the last threat to her claim to the title of Sith has been removed. However, Kusk has returned to the main galaxy for another reason. Deciding to keep "the rule of two" (leaving the rest of her empire as dark Jedi), she is on the hunt for an aprentice, wanting one who had no previous experience with the Empire. She finds what she is looking for when she travels to the spice planet Kessel, in the form of the orphan Kyp Durron. "Rescuing" him, Kusk takes him back to the empire and under her wing, giving him the title of Darth Anex. Back in the main galaxy, the Skywalkers go there separate ways, with Luke joining the Jedi star fighter corps alongside Shira Brie, Anakin taking on the role of grandmaster and Leia and Owen joining a Corelian Smuggler in an alliance to take down Jabba the Hutt. However, they are brought together again when a strange alien named "Thrawn"attacks the war wherry Republic with an army of Chiss and Killiks. Thousands of light years away, Darths Kusk and Anex grow increasingly worried, both haunted by images of a army of strange and powerful aliens. After a Sith exploration team disappears, they decide to prepare for war. Meanwhile, The Jedi and Republic, now reformed into the Alliance, finally manage to drive off the invaders and assassinate Thrawn, ending a brutal two year war. In the aftermath, not only the Republic undergoes major changes. Under Anakins leadership and having lost most of its best members in the Thrawn wars, the Jedi lift the ban on attachment, with Leia marrying Han Solo and Owen starting a relationship with the Jedi knight Mara Jade. While these realitivly peaceful events are going on, a climatic battle rages for life and death. The Yuuzhan Vong have arrived. However, they have hit a rather major road bloke: A forewarned Sith empire. The two forces clash mightily, with the Vong gaining the upper hand at first. However, Darth Kusk discovers an ancient Sith plauge and uses it to wipe out the alien invaders. With both forces all but destroyed, the two dark lords of the Sith stand triumphant, with Darth Kusk proclaiming that they will go into hiding once again, to prepare there next move against the Jedi. However, her rant is cut off when a blade of red plasma is ignited threw her chest. Taking his chance, Darth Anex strikes down his master and claims the title of dark lord, continuing the Sith legacy.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Star Wars Infinities: Anakin did not kill Dooku 2!
The galaxy is in turmoil. Even with the Sith defeated, the Republic is still corrupt, even under the guidance of chancellor Bail Organa. Even more, the war between the Republic and Confederacy continues, with the Ventress lead Separatists being driven back over and over again. However, the former Dark allocate continues to meditate on the dark side of the force. One day, she fells a presence that is....unfamiliar. Probing deeper, she discovers that a dark side call is coming from deep in the unknown regions. Leaving the Confederate forces temporarily under the command of a lieutenant, she takes her personal ship into wild space, following the mysterious signal. Coming out of hyperspace, Ventress is shocked to discover something amazing: a Sith empire. Created by Sith purebloods fleeing the Republic after the great galactic war and bolstered by refuges from the fourth great schism, this lost empire has grown unchecked in a satellite galaxy for the past three thousand years. Sending a signal to her forces to follow her route to escape the Republic, Ventress travels to the Siths capital world, kills there emporer and takes control, proclaiming herself Darth Kusk. Meanwhile, Anakin and Padme Skywalker bid a sad goodbye to four year old Luke and Leia as they are taken to the Jedi temple. Over the next nine years, the two Skywalkers live and train with many other students, including Galen Marek who becomes Lukes friend, and eventually take part in the padawan trials, with both of them tying for first place. While Leia is apprenticed to Master of the Order Obi-wan Kenobi, Luke is instead apprenticed to Jedi knight Kannan Jarrus. Together, the two would continue there Jedi training, getting involved in the constant wars between crime lords. Meanwhile, Anakin and Padme have another son, Owen, who they deciede to not send to the Jedi. Eventually, at the age of 23, Leia passes her trials, while Luke fails and, feeling lost and dejected, sets his nava computer on random and arrives at a strange swamp planet. Crash landing, Luke discovers that he has landed on Dagobah, the prison planet for Darth Sidious, with an aged Yoda watching over him (Dooku and Windu died of old age a while ago). Conversing with the wizened Jedi, Luke is still unable to stop Sidious from stealing his fighter and escaping. Meeting up with his master, Luke and the other Jedi witness the former grandmaster passing into the force, before trying to figure out where the escaped former Sith has escaped to. Unfortunately for the Skywalkers, Sidious had made a straight bee line for Naboo, finding Padme alone at the house. Felling a dark disturbance in the force, both Luke and Leia head for there home planet, where they find a grief stricken Anakin about to kill Sidious. Stepping in at the last minute, Luke manages to convince Anakin to stand down, allowing a squad of clones to execute the Sith. While Luke is promoted to Jedi knight for his compassion, Anakin, with nothing left, rejoins the Jedi order and takes over from his own master (who is about seventy by now) as the master of the Order. Meanwhile, a shadowed figure is silently amused. Darth Kusk is pleased, the last threat to her claim to the title of Sith has been removed. However, Kusk has returned to the main galaxy for another reason. Deciding to keep "the rule of two" (leaving the rest of her empire as dark Jedi), she is on the hunt for an aprentice, wanting one who had no previous experience with the Empire. She finds what she is looking for when she travels to the spice planet Kessel, in the form of the orphan Kyp Durron. "Rescuing" him, Kusk takes him back to the empire and under her wing, giving him the title of Darth Anex. Back in the main galaxy, the Skywalkers go there separate ways, with Luke joining the Jedi star fighter corps alongside Shira Brie, Anakin taking on the role of grandmaster and Leia and Owen joining a Corelian Smuggler in an alliance to take down Jabba the Hutt. However, they are brought together again when a strange alien named "Thrawn"attacks the war wherry Republic with an army of Chiss and Killiks. Thousands of light years away, Darths Kusk and Anex grow increasingly worried, both haunted by images of a army of strange and powerful aliens. After a Sith exploration team disappears, they decide to prepare for war. Meanwhile, The Jedi and Republic, now reformed into the Alliance, finally manage to drive off the invaders and assassinate Thrawn, ending a brutal two year war. In the aftermath, not only the Republic undergoes major changes. Under Anakins leadership and having lost most of its best members in the Thrawn wars, the Jedi lift the ban on attachment, with Leia marrying Han Solo and Owen starting a relationship with the Jedi knight Mara Jade. While these realitivly peaceful events are going on, a climatic battle rages for life and death. The Yuuzhan Vong have arrived. However, they have hit a rather major road bloke: A forewarned Sith empire. The two forces clash mightily, with the Vong gaining the upper hand at first. However, Darth Kusk discovers an ancient Sith plauge and uses it to wipe out the alien invaders. With both forces all but destroyed, the two dark lords of the Sith stand triumphant, with Darth Kusk proclaiming that they will go into hiding once again, to prepare there next move against the Jedi. However, her rant is cut off when a blade of red plasma is ignited threw her chest. Taking his chance, Darth Anex strikes down his master and claims the title of dark lord, continuing the Sith legacy.
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