Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Shadow Council members

I am proud to announce that I and Wollf Myth are working on A new collaboration: A audio-book/comic about A group of Jedi who survived Order 66. Forming the "Shadow Council", these Jedi plan on continuing to survive the Purge and eventually take down the Empire itself. Below is A list of the current characters involved, although more will likely be added in the future.

Leader of the Council and the wisest surviving member, Master Brixa Maa

The main character, Jedi Knight Syo Cins

Sword master and head Lightsaber instructor, Jedi Knight Edith

The youngest member of the Shadow Council, newly elected Knight Mak'ta

The most powerful member of the Council, Master Chionna

The most aggressive member, border line Dark Sider Master Fenic Toshi

Founder of the Council, Master Sicna

Peaceful diplomat who forewent the use of A Lightsaber, Master Gizroc

Only current Jedi from the Hapas cluster, Knight Terra Ulmin

The tenth member of the Council, Jedi Knight Aviolos

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