To put it simply, Darth Vitiate does not have the reputation of A great warrior. This largely comes from the fact that he is extremely unwilling to use his Lightsaber, only drawing it once. Although he soundly lost this fight, at least the dueling portion of the battle, it should be noted this was against The Hero of Tython, basically the best duelist of the era. However, this really only proves that he is unwilling, not incapable, and that he is not A top tier. In combat, Vitiate's moves were basic and straight forwards, with the obvious intent of merely boosting Vitiate's Force powers rather than overwhelm his enemies with pure martial might. It is unknown what Forms, if any, Vitiate prefers, but I suspect he used Forms six Nimen and seven, Juyo. If I am correct about this, then Vitiate's fighting style would be like A much less advanced Form of Sidious's Form.
Vitiate was an extremely powerful Sith lord. His telekinesis easily rag-dolled opposition, his Force lightning could disintegrate droids and subdue five powerful Jedi at once, and his telepathy could control and even reshape the strongest of minds. The pinnacle of Vitiate's Force abilities was his powerful Force drain-like ability. Early in his life, he used this ability to drain an entire planet and prolong his life indefinitely. Although he did plan to destroy the Galaxy itself this way, it required A number of rituals and was not under his own power.
Like the previously mentioned Palpatine, Vitiate could transfer his spirit from body to body, making him effectively immortal. However, for this battle we will be using his first and original body: A Human male thousands of years of age, Vitiate nonetheless remained in physical shape. He was neither impressively fast or strong, but he was able to hold his own.
Although it was rarely used, Vitiate did posses A Lightsaber. It was of very standard make for the time, with A industrialist hilt and blood red blade.
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