Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Mace Windu versus script

Master Mace Windu was a nearly legendary duelist, often considered to be on par with Yoda and Palpatine. Although he mastered all seven forms, Windu predominantly used Vappad, a variation of form seven that he himself created. Drawing from ones inner darkness, as well as there opponents aggression, Vappad was a highly aggressive form best used against dark siders. Windu Has outmaneuvered Ventress and Grievous, Overcame both Depa Billaba and Sora Bulq and held his own against Dooku at least twice. However, he has had his fare share of defeats and the ROTS game does display Windu losing A duel to Anakin. Windus most famous and most impressive accomplishment was his duel and defeat of the dark lord Darth Sidious (in one alternate universe even killing him) via A combination of Vappad and Shatterpoint. 

Although he was most renowned for his skills with a blade, Windu was no slouch with the force as well. Even in his most subdued appearance, the 2008 clone wars series, he force crushed entire Droideka squads and dropped an entire wall on a tank. In his more advanced appearances he effortlessly manipulated his surroundings and destroyed entire armies with a wave of his hand. His most powerful ability, however, was probably his skill with shatter points, allowing him to see the weaknesses in just about anything, including Sith lords.

Unlike most of his peers, Windu was relatively young at only 53. Windu was strong enough to punch through droid armor and tough enough to be shot, stabbed, deprived of sleep and beaten to the point of unconsciousness and kept going. His speed was even more impressive, as he could become almost invisible at top speeds, even to train Force sensitives.

Aside from his lightsabers rare lavender blade and Electrum finish, Windu’s armament was not particularly remarkable.

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