Monday, December 29, 2014

Satele Shan versus script

Trained by three separate Jedi masters, including a renowned Battle master, Satele Shan became extremely skilled with both standard Lightsabers and Saber-staffs. The only Jedi to survive the first battle of the Great Galactic War, Shan fought on the front-lines throughout the war. Needless to say, Form four is generally believed to be Shan's weapon of choice. Shan was also quite skilled in fighting multiple enemies at once (cutting down seven Sith warriors in one go on Alderaan) . Although Shan has been defeated before, It was mostly Darth Malgus, who was for all intense and purposes the best Lightsaber duelist the Sith Empire had to offer at the time. Against lesser opposition, even Dark Council members, She served much better, indicating it took a top tier to break it. Even other highly regarded warriors such as the infamous Darth Baras have proven unable to break her.

The descendit of powerful Jedi, Satele Shan had a incredible amount of strength in the Force. She could protect herself from the vacuum of space with a Force shield, she mastered Tutaminis to the point she could bloke Lightsaber blades, she has some skill with foresight. Her greatest power however, by a wide margin, was her unbridled power with telekinesis. Although later in life she used it to easily destroy Hexes, while just a Jedi knight she felled three Sith warriors at once, dropped a tree on Malgus half way through there duel and practically blew up a mountain.

Although her in-game avatar does not indicate as such, Satele Shan was a human female roughly in her sixties. Even in her advancing age Shan continued to practice a acrobatic fighting style and unarmed combat. Shan also had an extremely strong constitution, soldering through Darth Malgus's brutal assaults on multiple occasions.

 Over the course of her carer, Satele Shan built at least three separate blue bladed saber staffs, all of which were built with identical designs of aesthetically ornamental, but technically standard.

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