Over the course of my time on Youtube, I have made it no secret that I am....less than fond of the "Jedi are evil theory" that is claimed by a variety of different sects of the fandom on the Internet. However, I would like to point out that, simply put, this is solely because these ideas are taken seriously: when it's just in fun, I have zero problem with coming up with ways the "heroes" are the true villains of the Saga. As such, I would remind you all before we begin that in all actuality the Doctor is my favorite fictional hero of all time, and that this video is purely theorizing for theorizing sake. Aka, do not take anything I say in this video seriously.
Before we begin, I also need to set up WHY the Doctor is doing what he is doing: during the height of the Time War, the ninth warrior incarnation of the Doctor gains a companion in the form of a "younger" Time Lord who hero worships the Doctor's past lives. When the Doctor sacrifices himself to save his Granddaughter, the young Time Lord decides to continue his legacy and becomes the new Doctor. However, the "Doctor" becomes disillusioned with the Time War, coming to believe that only complete totalitarian order in the Universe would stop the endless killing. To this end, the Doctor joins forces with his future selves and extremist Daleks to destroy most of the forces involved, while locking Gallifrey in an alternate Universe where the Time Lords could not interfere. After Regenerating and using the Tardis to imbue himself with enough of the first Doctor's residual Regeneration energy to pass as the same person, the Doctor begins his crusade to put the Universe under his benevolent rule.
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