Unlike most characters from the Star Wars: the Old Republic, we actually know which Lightsaber combat Forms Darth Baras preferred: apparently, he preferred a combination of Forms five and four, likely taking full advantage of his physical build. Although much more willing to resolve matters through deception and intelligence, Darth Baras was nonetheless very capable in the dueling arena, holding off the exceptional swords-woman Satele Shan on two separate occasions and having a long standing rivalry with Jedi Master Nomen Karr. However, Darth Baras did have his own fair share of defeats, losing his first Lightsaber to Jedi Master Wyellett and his apprentice Xerender, not to mention eventually losing his life in single combat to his own apprentice, the dreaded Emperors Wrath. Again, although Darth Baras was not as focused on combat as some other Sith, he was still extremely skilled.
Darth Angral was a infamous Sith Lord, with even the Emperor considering him a useful servant. Although no cannon source confirms it, I personally believe the Form (or Forms) Darth Angral preferred was Form seven, possibly with the addition of Forms five and two. A veteran of the Galactic war and later the Cold war, Darth Angral was a powerful warrior, with a good deal of practice and first hand experience in combat and Lightsaber duels. Darth Angral's skill was such that he was easily capable of defeating Orgus Din (Who was known to put a heavy focus on martial arts) both when the Jedi Master was in his prime and later when he was a more experienced Council member. However, Darth Angral had his own fair share of defeats over the course of his career. He failed to defeat Jedi Master Dar'nala in single combat and ultimately, Darth Angral was no match for the Hero of Tython and Kira Carsen.
As things stand, both Darth's Baras and Angral are pretty evenly matched in terms of martial arts. Baras has a greater focus on strength and defense, but Angral's greater overall skill and pure aggression mostly cancels this out. Both challengers also have very comparable levels of experience, being long standing veterans of the Sith Order. Baras and Angral have also both proven themselves to equal degrees on the battlefield: Baras stalemated Satele Shan, Angral stomped Orgus Din and both Lords were utterly defeated by the Emperors Wrath and Hero of Tython respectively. Ultimately however, there status as equals stems from another incident: Baras and Angral were actually involved in a serious one on one duel. As such, and rather obviously, the verdict of that fight should be the same as the martial arts category. Unfortunately, that duel did not last long enough for a winner to be determined and ultimately ended in a draw. As it turns out though, this is the martial arts verdict: by my analysis both Angral and Baras have an equal chance of overcoming the other one in a purely martial engagement. As such, I declare Darth Baras and Darth Angral equals with the blade.
The self proclaimed Voice of the Emperor, Darth Baras had a powerful command of the Force. A master of the Sith arts, Darth Baras was capable of creating Force screams and we can assume his telekinesis was relatively advanced. Darth Baras was either capable of expertly cloaking his Force signature or genuinely drawing on the Light Side of the Force, as Satele Shan was unable to discern his true nature. Baras was also an absolute Master of Sith lightning, although his deadly bolts could still be deflected with a Lightsaber.
Darth Angral, as should be expected, was a powerful master of the Force. His telekinesis
was not the most powerful in terms of magnitude, but he was refined enough with it to guide a thrown Lightsaber. Darth Angral's Force lightning was, in a very similar fashion, nothing to write home about in terms of power, but Angral was refined enough with it to even create a defensive barrier of Lightning, something most couldn't. However, it should be noted his Force shield was not the most powerful, as he could be disabled by comparatively standard. Sith lightning.
The ironic thing about this category is that it should be a forgone conclusion, but really isn't. To clarify, in one of there many personal clashes, Darth Baras subdued Darth Angral with nothing more than Sith lightning, which normally would indicate he was significantly more powerful in the Force than Angral. However, once we examine there respective abilities, it becomes clear that Angral's prowess in the Force is just as, if not more advanced than Darth Baras's, demonstrating several skills that Baras simply has not. Both Baras and Angral are absolute Masters of Force lightning, while Angral is more refined with telekinesis, if not more magnitude. Although Baras had a greater amount of experience and knowledge with the more arcane aspects of the Force, these abilities were by and large irrelevant in combat situations. Ultimately, Darth Baras taking down Darthj Angral had a lot more to do with getting the lucky first strike in then any disparity in power. I declare Darths Baras and Angral equals with the supernatural.
Darth Baras was a Human male exactly 57 years of age. A man of extremely stocky build, Darth Baras took full advantage of his weight and height, sending his opponents flying with powerful physical strikes. Despite his size and strength, Baras was also at least reasonably fast and agile, keeping pace with much younger challengers more than once.
Darth Angral was a Human male of unknown age, although I peg him as being in his late thirties/early forties. Darth Angral displayed the pale white skin and burning yellow eyes typical of Dark Siders, although his physical abilities don't appear to be hampered. Darth Angral appeared to be reasonably strong, fast, tough and agile.
Although he has no known physical weakness, Darth Angral has no outstanding physical advantage either. On the flip side, Darth Baras's size did not appear to hamper his speed and agility while simultaneously providing him with greater strength. For this reason, Darth Baras gets the physical edge.
Darth Baras's Lightsaber was a piece of expert craftsmanship, displaying a slight curve, emitter spikes, a bone (or fang) of unknown origin and a blood red blade.
As with most Sith of the era, Darth Angral's Lightsaber produced a red blade and had a industrial designed hilt. Angral also wore a suit of red armor.
I chose not to focus on Darth Baras and Angral's armor (Not even mentioning Baras's suit) for the simple reason that neither provides either Sith Lord with an advantage the other can't match, be it through there own ability's or that of there own armor. This leave the equipment edge down to there Lightsaber designs, and here Darth Baras's advanced weapon leaves Angral's every day design in the dust. I give Darth Baras yet another edge.
Ultimately, as you have probably guessed, this battle is most likely not going to be decided by any skill or power wielded by either of these Sith Lords. They are, for all practical purposes, complete equals with the blade, they have comparable levels of power in the Force, Angral will be able to take Bara's blows and Baras's weapon doesn't provide enough advantages to tip the scales. No, ultimate victory will be determined by something else entirely: tactics. Darth Angral is certainly no slouch in this regard, especially when it comes to military engagements, but he wasn't exactly known for his genius in single combat and he never seemed to quite grasp Sith politics. Baras on the other hand can not only handle the long term scale of things, having the entire Sith Empire dancing on his strings for a time, but is also quite good in one on one scenarios, showing an ability to exploit any and all holes in his enemies defenses. And to further cement this, the best showing of Baras's tactical insight is when he defeated Angral with absolute ease by taking advantage of his blind, rage fueled attack. Now don't get me wrong: Like most Sith, Angral may have been overly aggressive and arrogant, but he wasn't a fool. It is entirely possible that Angral could defeat Baras with his considerable skill or power outright: the problem is, Baras has just as much of a chance of accomplishing this, even before you add in his massive tactical advantage. Ultimately, the Sith Emperor considered Angral a useful pawn, but he considered Baras a threat. I declare Sith Lord Darth Baras the winner.
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