Jedi master Even Piell, when combined with Master Yaddle, provides something of a mirror image of Grand master Yoda. Whereas Yaddle perfectly represents his peaceful nature and strength in the Force, Master Piell represents his combat hardiness and martial prowess. Unlike most Beings of his stature, Even Piell did not rely entirely on Form four, instead mastering all Seven Lightsaber Forms and, unusually, combining them into a personal and highly varied fighting style. Even Piells fighting style was marked by Broad, sweeping strikes, blast deflection, acrobatics, fighting multiple enemies at once and, in general, a mixture of just about every Lightsaber battle tactic know. As such, Even Piell was a skilled warrior with the scars to prove it. Although he has never been depicted in a serious Lightsaber duel, Master Piell has fought on battlefronts such as Malastare, Geonosis and Lola Sayu and proved his worth as one of the toughest and most skilled members of the Jedi Order, for his day anyways.
Ki-adi Mundi is something of a overlooked character, with many others having much more popularity than the Ceran. However, this is not to say that he is worth overlooking, far from it. Although not the most powerful Council member, he was basicly third in command of the Order and a Skilled warrior. Although he was a Master of Form four, Ataru, Master Mundi's application of the Form was much more similar to the grounded practice used by Qui-gon Jinn rather than the typical flamboyancy demonstrated by other form Four masters. Also unlike most Form four users, he had no problem with blast deflection or facing multiple opponents. Despite his advanced age, Master Mundi remained an extremely capable warrior, fighting on the frontlines of Geonosis (twice) as well as many other engagements. Ki-adi Mundi was no less skilled in single combat, forcing a retreat from Asajj Ventress and even surviving an exhausted encounter with the fearsome cyborg general Grievous.
Even Piell suffers from the same syndrome that many other characters, including Bultar Swan and basically everyone from the New Sith Wars, suffer from as well: as a Master of a hybridization of all seven Lightsaber forms, one would assume he was an extremely skilled martial artist and warrior, but he has never been given the chance to demonstrate whether or not this is true: having never been involved in a serious Lightsaber duel (or one of any kind for that matter) we truly don't know if he is as effective in this arena as he is in battlefield combat, or if he is absolute rubbish. Ki-adi Mundi on the other hand has demonstrated himself to be an extremely underrated combatant, with several impressive feats under his belt. On paper, Even Piell is the superior warrior, but in practice Master Mundi far outrips him in deomstrated skill. Thus, the ageing Ceran gets the edge in martial arts.
Due to the amounts of requests I have, this battle is currently canceled.
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