I have A question: How come this movie never got a proper game? It was a great film with some great action and never got anything beyond a few minor game boy instalments. Well, here are some ideas I came up with. Hope you enjoy!
Mission One Coruscant
level 1: Danger on arrival (the opening scene to right before the second assassination attempt on Padme').
level 2: High speed pursuit (The speeder chase).
level 3: The slums (The hunt for Zam wessel).
level 4: Secrets and Mysteries (Follows Kenobi until he arrives on Kamino).
level 5: Voyage of Temptation (Follows Padme' and Anakin until they arrive on Naboo).
Mission Two Naboo & Kamino
level 6: The hidden army (Kenobi's mission on Kamino).
level 7: Trouble in paradise ( Anakin and Padme's stay on Naboo).
level 8: Mandalorian resurrection (Kenobi vs Jango Fett).
Mission Three Tatooine
level 9: Family ties (Anakin and Padme's time on Tatooine before Anakin leaves the Lars homestead).
level 10: Desperate search (Anakin looking for the tusken raiders and his mother).
level 11: Massacre (Anakin's slaughter of the Tusken Raiders).
Mission Four Geonosis part 1
level 12: Dog fight (Jango vs Kenobi in the asteroid belt).
level 13: infiltration (Kenobi's investigation on Geonosis).
level 14: The foundry (The droid factory).
level 15: Execution (Anakin, Kenobi and Padme' in the arena).
level 16: Calvary (Windu and the Jedi's arrival).
Mission five Geonosis part 2
level 17: Attack of the droids (the battle in the arena).
level 18: Control center (Ki-adi's attempt to shut the droids down).
level 19: Gunship strike (The air battle of Geonosis).
level 20: Jedi at war (Windus actions outside of the arena).
level 21: Confronting the Count (Kenobi & Anakin vs Dooku).
Single player
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-wan Kenobi
Mace Windu
Barriss Offee
Ki-adi Mundi
Multi player only
Captain Typho
Adi Gallia
Shaak Ti
Stass Allie
Quinlan Vos
Aayla Secura
Seasee Tiin
Kit Fisto
Coleman trebor
Luminara Undulie
Plo Koon
Bultar Swan
Agen Kolar
Darth Maul
Count Dooku
Darth Vader
Asajj Ventress
Ashoka Tano
Luke Skywalker
Leia Solo
Qui-gon Jinn
Depa Billaba