Monday, March 23, 2015

Top 9 Lightsaber duelists of the Imperial age

Simple enough concept: counting down the best warriors of the Imperial age in Star Wars. Before we begin, I should probably clarify what Universe this is for (Yes, there are multiple SW Universe's). In what I'm sure is what is one of my worst ideas yet, I have compromised between those of you who like the old Legends Cannon and those of you who like the new Disney ignoring both. For this List, I will be taking NOTHING but onscreen events into account: No comics, novels, interviews, source books, etc will be recognized. Now, I might still use them as a reference point (Mentioning them in passing, using the names given, etc) but ultimately I will not be taking them into true account (For example, I am perfectly within my right to claim Sidious is NOT in fact the most powerful Sith in history, as that accolade comes from off-screen sources and thus, in this one scenario, does not override fan theory). Pointless? Yeah, pretty much, but it's my Blog and I'll do what I want. Finally, Why top nine? Because we currently only know of nine trained Force sensitives from the Imperial age. All that being said, let's get to the list!

9. Yoda
Image result for yoda

8. Palpatine
Image result for palpatine

7. Ezra Bridger
Image result for ezra bridger

6. The Inquisitor
Image result for the inquisitor

5. Kanan Jarrus
Image result for kanan jarrus

4. Fulcrum
Image result for star wars rebels ahsoka tano

3. Ben Kenobi
Image result for ben kenobi

2. Darth Vader
Image result for darth vader

1. Luke Skywalker
Image result for luke skywalker

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