Born on Quelii at a unknown point sometime before the breakout of the Mandolorian Wars, Alek was originally a Jedi Guardian, one of the most renowned in the Order. Alongside his friend and mentor Revan, as well as many other like minded Jedi, Alek ignored the Councils orders to stay out of the war and attacked the Mandolorians. Changing his name to Malak over the course of the war and emerging victorious, the former Jedi hero accompanied Revan in his confrontation with the Emporer and fell to the Dark Side at the same time. Becoming the second Lord of the Sith, Darth Malak eventually betrayed his Master and took the title of Dark Lord, changing Revans plan of conquest to one of mass destruction. However, Malaks reign would be comparatively short lived, as his redeemed master confronted, defeated and finally slew him aboard the Star Forge superweapon. Still, Darth Malak would be counted as one of the most vile Dark Lord's of the Sith in history.
Born three thousand, nine hundred and ninety four years before the battle of Yavin, Revan was a rising star in the Jedi Order, quickly being considered one of there best. However, when the Mandolorians ruthlessly attacked the Republic, the Jedi Council decided to remain neutral, staying out of the war entirely. Furious at this decree, Revan lead a large group of like minded Jedi in the Republic's aid. Although he was successful in defeating the brutal attackers, Revan dipped dangerously close to the Dark Side and after seeking out the hidden Sith Emperor, he feel completely. Becoming Darth Revan, the once savoir of the Republic turned his forces against them, planning on conquering it and turning it against the Sith Empire lurking in the Unknown Regions. However, baited into a trap and betrayed by his own apprentice, Darth Revan lost his memory and was brought back to the Jedi for retraining. Although Revan's story does not end here, his time as one of the most feared and powerful Sith Lords does.
Renowned as one of the greatest Jedi and later Sith warriors of his time, Darth Malak was exceptionally well accomplished in combat. A master of Form Seven Lightsaber combat, Juyo, Malak was an aggressively oriented duelist, pressuring his enemies until they break. Although Malak did refine his style enough that he generally fought one handed, he never really overcame it's inherent weakness: namely, it's lack of defense. Although he was occasionally described as a better martial artists than Revan and even pressured his former master to the point of desperation in there final fight, Revan took advantage of his lack luster defense and felled the Dark Lord. That being said, Malak was still a fearsome warrior, He had extensive knowledge against staff weapons, dual wielders, was adept in unarmed combat and performed blast deflection against dozens of shots at once with ease. Alongside other Jedi, Malak managed to carve his way through entire armies throughout the Mandolorian wars. Malak was also equally accomplished in single combat, out dueling Jarael and Bastila Shan. The later was especially impressive, as Shan was one of the most pwoerful Jedi of her generation, and yet was still no match for Malak. All in all, it would be a rare warrior who could stand up to Darth Malak in a proper duel.
Out of all the great warriors of the Old Republic, Revan is often described as the best and for good reason. Although I personally believe he was surpassed by his reborn counterpart, Darth Revan was still a mighty warrior in his own right. Unlike Malak, who was described as a specialist, Revan was much more of a generalist, having skill and experience with all seven forms. That being said, he seemed to heavily favor the Shien reverse grip while his conduct in battle most resembled Ataru and Nimen. An expert dual wielder and, although it goes without saying, skilled at blast deflection, Darth Revan earned his status as Dark lord. Revan was also a good enough fighter to take on and defeat a pair of Sith created Terentatek monsters. He was no less accomplished in the dueling arena, killing Mandolore the Ultimate in a one on one fight. Although Malak was, as previously stated, occasionally considered to be below Malak in terms of skill with the blade, Darth Revan was certainly in the same league as him, being responsible for the laters cybernetic jaw. This can be explained, however, by Revan's tactical genus, which was stated to equal Malak's sheer proficiency in combat. Even while only moments before his first "death", Revan capably engaged an entire strike team of Jedi, even managing to kill several of them, permanently cementing him as a master swordsman.
Although he was always focused on his skill with a Lightsaber above and beyond everything else, Darth Malak was a very capable combative Force wielder as well. On the most basic level, Malak was adept at the use of telekinesis, capable of breaking through Jedi Force Shields and strangling multiple foes at once. He also had enough power to fling a Human hundreds of meters and precision to guide a thrown Lightsaber. Malak was also a powerful telepath, being one of the first two beings in history to through off the Emperors influence, and was a skilled hand at Force Lightning. Further proving himself as a powerful master of the Dark Side, Malak used the Force to augment his physical abilities to a much greater level than he would have been capable of otherwise, and to freeze enemies in place with Force stun. On a more esoteric level, Malak was adept with Force Scream and Whirlwind, as well as the more lethal and powerful Force drain. He was also described as a master of Sith sorcery, although the extent of his power in this area is unknown. Although I wouldn't consider him one of the greatest Sith Lords in history, Darth Malak was clearly much more than a mindless brute.
Although I must personally agree with the common conscious that Revan's power in the Force has been hyped to the point of absurdity, it can not be denied Revan was a powerful master of the Force. Although he lacked the telekinetic power of his later self, Darth Revan was still skilled enough to kill targets with simple Force chokes, even Jedi. An extremely powerful Sith Lord, Darth Revan crafted a Sith Holocron and was a practiced hand at Sith Lightning, mastering it to the point he could create entire storms with it. One of Darth Reavn's most notable abilities however was his skill in precognition, which played a large role in his martial skill. Anticipating his enemies moves before they even made them, Revan could control most fights outright. At his absolute height of power, Revan could manipulate things on a planetary scale, drawing such immense power he destroyed fleets and bent armies to his will. Speaking of which, Darth Revan himself was a powerful telepath, throwing off the Emperors control. Even more archaic skills, like Force Drain, concealment and shields were well within Revan's scope of ability. All things considered, Revan outclassed his apprentice and the entire Sith Triumvirate in terms of Force power.
Darth Malak was a Human male of unknown age. A noted power duelist, Malak was an extremely imposing figure, his strength and power putting most others to shame. However, Malak has also been noted as being swift and agile in personal combat, so he's no immovable stone. Due to injuries sustained in a heated Lightsaber duel, Malak was forced to replace his lower jaw with a cybernetic replacement which, along with a few other cybernetic enhancements, further improved his physical standing. However, it was also an obvious point of weakness. All around, Malak was easily comparable to the likes of Vader and Plo Koon: Dedicated power duelists who could still move when they needed to, and slightly hampered by weak points in the form of there respirators.
At the time of his loss of memory, Revan was a Human male thirty seven years of age. As such, he would still be in the prime of his life, unlikely to get any better in terms of physical skills. Although he had no outstanding accomplishments that would set him above and beyond the standard for trained, Force sensitive Humans, it can be assumed Darth Revan was an accomplished fighter. His stamina was good enough to take part in full blown battles, his speed enough to defend from dozens of blaster bolts at once and his strength good enough to match Malak's. Although he became deeply immersed in the Dark Side of the Force, this did not appear to affect Revan's physical stance, as he passed for a regular man after the loss of his memory, meaning he at least partially staved off the degeneration common to Sith Lords.
Despite it's unusual Hilt design, Darth Malak's Lightsaber was, for the most part, a good example of the standard weapon wielded by most Sith Lords. It produced a blood red blade that was also slightly longer than normal. Malak was also none to posses a powerful Sith sword (Although he rarely used it) and his jumpsuit has been described as a suit of armor before.
Although Revan wielded many weapons throughout his long career, the tool he utilized while a Sith Lord was comparatively basic. Although he was also noted as a masterful dual wielder, Revan only carried one weapon at this time. His weapon produced a scarlet blade. Revan also wore his trademark mask and cloak, which served as very effective armor.