What if Coleman Trebor Successfully kills Jango Fett & Dooku?
Master Trebor had a split second decision: Uphold the Jedi Code and give Dooku a chance, or strike now. He chose the later and leapt from his hiding place, igniting his Lightsaber mid-flight. The Count only had a split second to react and managed to save his head. He did not, however, save his arm. Trebor was immediately forced to turn and deflect the shots of Dooku's Mandalorian body-guard. He had re-tooled his Soresu style for blade to blade combat upon news of the Sith's return, but it still proved sufficient at this close range. Trebor deflected a bolt back into Fett's face-plate, and turned back towards the Count. In an even fight, Trebor wouldn't have stood a chance. As was, Dooku fell by the Jedi Masters blade and Jango not long after. Palpatine was not entirely foiled, but the Confederacy fell apart without Dooku and he was forced to come up with a new plot for the Sith's revenge. Also, Trebor becomes respected by the versus community.
What if Obi-Wan marrys Duchess Satine, & Ahsoka marrys Lux Bonteri?
Anakin Skywalker was far from the only Jedi to break the Code and form a deep romantic attachment during the Clone Wars. A meeting of Mandalore officials, Jedi and Confederacy representatives is called early in the war, to discuss the possibility of the former forsaking its neutrality and joining the war. Before the convention can come to any conclusion, C.I.S terrorists attack and strand a number of delagets on a primitive world. Obi-wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Lux Bonteri and Satine Kryze are forced to work and live together just to survive. The Republic war effort suffered without the two Jedi, but it still amanged to hold together. A rescue party lead by Anakin rescues them a year later. But the close confines of the planet had brought tensions to the forefront, and both Kenobi and Tano leave the Order to remain with Satine and Lux, joined soon after by the Skywalkers. The Clone Wars continued to rage on, untempered by its greatest heroes personal lives.
Blaster bolts filled the air and smashed into the surrounding stone. Master Di and Commander Keeli stood in the midst of the lethal storm, the last line of defense against the oncoming waves of Battle droids. As the last of his Clone Troopers fell besides him, Di relized that he was about to become one with the Force. But he did not: With a rousing cry, Cham Syndulla rallied his Twilek warriors and charged back into battle, determined to repay the Clones for their sacrifice and the Droids for their invasion. At the same time, republic ships flew overhead, dropping off much needed supplies for the besieged Twi'leks. They also took the time to blast a good portion of the Separatist forces which, in addition to the Jedi, won them the day. Bolstered by their victory, they held out long enough for reinforcements to arrive and free their world. Master Di himself became a rising member of the Order, and earned a seat on the High Council shortly before the Wars end.
What if Both Gui-gon & Obi-Wan Survives? /What if Qui-gon trained Anakin?
The duel in the Naboo power generator reached it's zenith as the Sith attempted to use the laser grid to separate his Jedi foes. But the young Kenobi used his last ounce of strength to bypass the grid and continue the double attack, alongside his master. Maul fell under the assault and both Jedi emerged exhausted, but victorious. The Council approved Kenobi's promotion to Knigthood and Jinn's apprenticeship of Anakin not long after. Despite getting on in years, Jinn proved an excellent Master for Skywalker and the Chosen One flourished in his care. Kenobi's single career proved just as instrumental to the Order as he grew closer and closer to uncovering the Sith. Shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, Dooku came to his former Apprentice with the information of Sidious's true identity. Rather than going to the Council, Jinn brought both his protegees to confront the Chancellor. The three proved powerful enough to defeat the Dark Lord together, bringing the Sith threat to an end.
What if the Yuuzhan Vong invaded earlier?
Slowly journeying through the dark, black void of space between Galaxies, The Yuuzhan Vong fleet searches for a new home. They find one in the form of a Galaxy torn by war, a brutal conflict between a totalitarian Empire and heroic alliance of Rebels. The Vong are invited to ally with both sides, but decide on the third option of just destroying everyone. The galactic Civil War is soon forgotten as both sides desperately attempt to stall the intergalactic invaders. This new war rages on for decades, devastating almost every corner of the Galaxy. Ultimately, the Vong are only defeated by an unprecedented truce between the Jedi and Sith, a joint strike team killing the Vong's Supreme Leader. Leaderless, the Vong falter and are eventually defeated, wiped out by vengeful Imperial forces. In exchange for their aid against the Vong, the Alliance is granted a small area of space as their own independent faction. Both sides then begin the slow process of rebuilding.
What if Sidious views Ahsoka as his New Apprentice(if Anakin Dies in Episode 2)?
Palpatine is outwardly unaffected but secretly furious at the news that Anakin Skywalker is one of the Jedi casualties in the opening battle of the Clone Wars. His plans for a new Apprentice are ruined, leaving him without a clear direction to proceed. But by chance, he runs into a lonely young Togruta on the streets of Coruscant. Ahsoka Tano had failed to attract a Master and had left the Order in dejection. Palpatine realized he had the opportunity to replicate Darth Maul, raising a Force sensitive assassin almost from birth. The Sith Lord earned her trust quickly and inducted her into the Sith lifestyle. Without a firm basis in the Jedi, Tano quickly became consumed by the Dark Side and served her master loyally. When Dooku finally became to advanced in age to be of any more use, Sidious pitted his Apprentices against each other and Darth Vamon, formerly Ahsoka Tano, emerged victorious as the newest Lord of the Sith.
What if Mace Windu survived and lead a Jedi rebellion with Rahm Kota?
With a last desperate push of the Force, Mace Windu broke his fall just enough to survive. The critically wounded Master still almost perished from his injuries, but managed to survive long enough to make it off-world and escape the Purge. Even as he recovered from his battle with Palpatine, he reunites with his old friend Rahm Kota. The two hardliner Jedi Masters form an alliance, waging a personal war against the Empire even while gathering more allies. By the time Luke and the other Rebel heroes enter the scene, the Jedi lead Alliance has freed the Outer Rim Territories and has begun bringing the fight directly to the Imperial Core Worlds. Both sides of the war are recruiting as many Force sensitives as possible, recreating armies of Jedi and Sith reminiscent of those from the Old Republic era. Mace Windu takes on Luke as his own apprentice, passing on his considerable knowledge and power to the young man in preparation for the final confrontation with the Sith.
What if Asoka became Obi-Wan's Padawan?
Anakin's point blank refusal to take on an Apprentice is eventually accepted by the Council, who places her under the care of master Kenobi instead. The headstrong Togruta prospers under the calm and experienced negotiator. The initial hostility between her and Anakin eventually turns into a friendly rivalry, with the two brash young warriors competing with one another throughout the Clone Wars, much to Kenobi's exasperation. A more traditional and level headed Ashoka becomes even closer to a conflicted Barriss Offee, who approaches her friend with her concerns over the war and the Jedi's role in it. Ashoka manages to convince her friends of the Order's merits, even in the midst of warfare, and both remain loyal to the Jedi and are knighted not long after. It is a fully fledged Jedi Knight Ashoka Tano who accompanies her closest friends, masters Kenobi and Skywalker, on a mission to recover the kidnapped Chancellor from the Confederacy.
What if Dooku and Grieves are killed on the invisible hand and the war was over?
Even as he attempts to escape the bridge of the severely damaged Invisible Hand, Grievous is cut down by a twin attack from the quick thinking Skywalker and Kenobi. With neither the General or Count Dooku to lead the Separatists, optimistic senators and Jedi alike predict the end of the Clone Wars withing the year. Much to Palpatine's outward pleasure but inward consternation, they are proved correct when Nute Gunray proves an entirely incapable military leader and is forced to sue for peace. The Confederacy is dissolved and, with the anti-Jedi sentiment quickly turned to praise for the Order of victorious war heroes, Palpatine is forced to step down from office as promised, as the Clone Wars draw to a close. The Sith Lord's schemes are far from finished however and he journeys to the unknown Regions, implanting himself in the Chiss, Sii-Ruv, Hapens and other civilizations, plotting a new, more direct war on the Republic.
What if Yoda met the Father?
In his quest to discover the deeper mysteries of the Force, Yoda is lead to the same mysterious planet known as "Mortis" that Kenobi, Skywalker and Tano spoke of. There, he meets the spirit of the one known as The Father, who agrees to help the ancient Jedi in his quest for knowledge. Yoda learns much during his time on Mortis, spending almost an entire year learning directly under the embodiment of Order. When he finally feels it necessary to return to normal space, he discovers that no time has passed on the outside. He immediately returns to Coruscant, only vaguely answering the Councils inquiries to his whereabouts, and begins a series of private studies with Anakin. Yoda's direct apprenticeship and passed on knowledge gained from Mortis counters Palpatine's influence, creating a more powerful and disciplined Skywalker truely ready to take on his Destiny as the Chosen One.
What if Mace Windu killed Dooku in (aotc)?
From the door of his gunship, Mace Windu spots Count Dooku escaping the battle on his speeder. He makes the pilot wait just long enough for the other Jedi aboard to disembark, before hotly pursuing the Confederacy's leader. Windu confronts his old friend in the Geonosian hanger and, although saddened to be fighting his old friend, does not hesitate to attack and attempt to capture the Count. Like so many of their previous battles, it devolves into a stalemate, the equally matched swordsmen and Force wielders unable to find an advantage over the other. Windu is finally forced to fall back on something the newly christened Sith Lord never truly understood: sacrifice. He allows Dooku to land a lethal blow, in exchange for an opening to mortally wound the Count in turn. The two former friends die on the hanger floor together, both coming to regret their actions. The Clone Wars continue, both sides mourning the lose of one of their greatest warriors.
What if Galen Marek survived his fight with the emperor?
Palpatine screamed in furry as the explosion of Force energy enveloped his throne room. By the time it cleared, Vader's accursed apprentice was missing. To his disgust, he saw Vader himself had survived as well, and Palpatine wasted no time in informing him his continued existence depended on ending the rogue "Starkiller". Meanwhile, a jubilant Galen Marek and Juno Eclipse happily reunite aboard the Rogue Shadow. Although the two briefly entertain the idea of leaving the civilized Galaxy altogether for parts unknown, Rahm Kota convinces them to join the Rebellion and continue the fight against the Empire. Vader and Galen clash many more times over the year in the lead up to the battle of Yavin, both pinning the chances of victory for their faction on defeating the other. Galen and Juno's children are born into a war, raised and trained by their legendary father to follow in his footsteps, putting the Marek's at the forefront of a new Jedi Order.
What if Sidious views Ahsoka as his New Apprentice(if Anakin Dies in Episode 2)?
Palpatine is outwardly unaffected but secretly furious at the news that Anakin Skywalker is one of the Jedi casualties in the opening battle of the Clone Wars. His plans for a new Apprentice are ruined, leaving him without a clear direction to proceed. But by chance, he runs into a lonely young Togruta on the streets of Coruscant. Ahsoka Tano had failed to attract a Master and had left the Order in dejection. Palpatine realized he had the opportunity to replicate Darth Maul, raising a Force sensitive assassin almost from birth. The Sith Lord earned her trust quickly and inducted her into the Sith lifestyle. Without a firm basis in the Jedi, Tano quickly became consumed by the Dark Side and served her master loyally. When Dooku finally became to advanced in age to be of any more use, Sidious pitted his Apprentices against each other and Darth Vamon, formerly Ahsoka Tano, emerged victorious as the newest Lord of the Sith.
What if Mace Windu survived and lead a Jedi rebellion with Rahm Kota?
With a last desperate push of the Force, Mace Windu broke his fall just enough to survive. The critically wounded Master still almost perished from his injuries, but managed to survive long enough to make it off-world and escape the Purge. Even as he recovered from his battle with Palpatine, he reunites with his old friend Rahm Kota. The two hardliner Jedi Masters form an alliance, waging a personal war against the Empire even while gathering more allies. By the time Luke and the other Rebel heroes enter the scene, the Jedi lead Alliance has freed the Outer Rim Territories and has begun bringing the fight directly to the Imperial Core Worlds. Both sides of the war are recruiting as many Force sensitives as possible, recreating armies of Jedi and Sith reminiscent of those from the Old Republic era. Mace Windu takes on Luke as his own apprentice, passing on his considerable knowledge and power to the young man in preparation for the final confrontation with the Sith.
What if Asoka became Obi-Wan's Padawan?
Anakin's point blank refusal to take on an Apprentice is eventually accepted by the Council, who places her under the care of master Kenobi instead. The headstrong Togruta prospers under the calm and experienced negotiator. The initial hostility between her and Anakin eventually turns into a friendly rivalry, with the two brash young warriors competing with one another throughout the Clone Wars, much to Kenobi's exasperation. A more traditional and level headed Ashoka becomes even closer to a conflicted Barriss Offee, who approaches her friend with her concerns over the war and the Jedi's role in it. Ashoka manages to convince her friends of the Order's merits, even in the midst of warfare, and both remain loyal to the Jedi and are knighted not long after. It is a fully fledged Jedi Knight Ashoka Tano who accompanies her closest friends, masters Kenobi and Skywalker, on a mission to recover the kidnapped Chancellor from the Confederacy.
What if Dooku and Grieves are killed on the invisible hand and the war was over?
Even as he attempts to escape the bridge of the severely damaged Invisible Hand, Grievous is cut down by a twin attack from the quick thinking Skywalker and Kenobi. With neither the General or Count Dooku to lead the Separatists, optimistic senators and Jedi alike predict the end of the Clone Wars withing the year. Much to Palpatine's outward pleasure but inward consternation, they are proved correct when Nute Gunray proves an entirely incapable military leader and is forced to sue for peace. The Confederacy is dissolved and, with the anti-Jedi sentiment quickly turned to praise for the Order of victorious war heroes, Palpatine is forced to step down from office as promised, as the Clone Wars draw to a close. The Sith Lord's schemes are far from finished however and he journeys to the unknown Regions, implanting himself in the Chiss, Sii-Ruv, Hapens and other civilizations, plotting a new, more direct war on the Republic.
What if Yoda met the Father?
In his quest to discover the deeper mysteries of the Force, Yoda is lead to the same mysterious planet known as "Mortis" that Kenobi, Skywalker and Tano spoke of. There, he meets the spirit of the one known as The Father, who agrees to help the ancient Jedi in his quest for knowledge. Yoda learns much during his time on Mortis, spending almost an entire year learning directly under the embodiment of Order. When he finally feels it necessary to return to normal space, he discovers that no time has passed on the outside. He immediately returns to Coruscant, only vaguely answering the Councils inquiries to his whereabouts, and begins a series of private studies with Anakin. Yoda's direct apprenticeship and passed on knowledge gained from Mortis counters Palpatine's influence, creating a more powerful and disciplined Skywalker truely ready to take on his Destiny as the Chosen One.
What if Mace Windu killed Dooku in (aotc)?
From the door of his gunship, Mace Windu spots Count Dooku escaping the battle on his speeder. He makes the pilot wait just long enough for the other Jedi aboard to disembark, before hotly pursuing the Confederacy's leader. Windu confronts his old friend in the Geonosian hanger and, although saddened to be fighting his old friend, does not hesitate to attack and attempt to capture the Count. Like so many of their previous battles, it devolves into a stalemate, the equally matched swordsmen and Force wielders unable to find an advantage over the other. Windu is finally forced to fall back on something the newly christened Sith Lord never truly understood: sacrifice. He allows Dooku to land a lethal blow, in exchange for an opening to mortally wound the Count in turn. The two former friends die on the hanger floor together, both coming to regret their actions. The Clone Wars continue, both sides mourning the lose of one of their greatest warriors.
What if Galen Marek survived his fight with the emperor?
Palpatine screamed in furry as the explosion of Force energy enveloped his throne room. By the time it cleared, Vader's accursed apprentice was missing. To his disgust, he saw Vader himself had survived as well, and Palpatine wasted no time in informing him his continued existence depended on ending the rogue "Starkiller". Meanwhile, a jubilant Galen Marek and Juno Eclipse happily reunite aboard the Rogue Shadow. Although the two briefly entertain the idea of leaving the civilized Galaxy altogether for parts unknown, Rahm Kota convinces them to join the Rebellion and continue the fight against the Empire. Vader and Galen clash many more times over the year in the lead up to the battle of Yavin, both pinning the chances of victory for their faction on defeating the other. Galen and Juno's children are born into a war, raised and trained by their legendary father to follow in his footsteps, putting the Marek's at the forefront of a new Jedi Order.
What if Luke skywalker joined Vader in empire strikes back?
Betrayed by his masters, defeated by his fallen father and near death, Luke Skywalker quietly accepts Darth Vader's offer to join him. With permission from Palpatine, Vader begins training Luke in the ways of the Dark Side. At first, Luke is highly resistant and tries to escape several times, but eventually resigns himself to fully joining his father. Father and son become the face of Imperial might, although Luke refuses to harm his old friends and undermines Vader's campaigns against the Rebellion. The Emperor is eventually fed up with his unwillingness to fully give himself to the Dark side and pits father and son against one another in a duel to the death, planning on making the victor his new apprentice. Vader and Luke have had enough of Palpatine and his schemes how ever and join together to defeat him and take his throne instead. Vader returns to calling himself Anakin and rules the Galaxy alongside his son as iron fisted Dark Lords.
What if Anakin never quite fell in love with Padme and instead falls in love with Ahsoka Tano a few years into the Clone Wars?
To both their sorrow, Padme manages to convince Anakin that a relationship between the two of them would be impossible. It is a lonely and increasingly reckless Anakin that enters the Clone Wars, winning many victories at great cost to himself. A worried Jedi Council assigns him a Padawan, the young and headstrong Ashoka Tano, whom Anakin reluctantly accepts. The chipper young apprentice slowly brings Anakin back out of his shell, even as the two become a legendary pair at the forefront of countless Republic victories. As the years and war drags on, Anakin begins to realize that he is having feelings for his Padawan he hasn't had since Padme. Every attempt to quell them fails and when he finally approaches her, she admits she feels the same for him. The two fall madly in love, leave the Jedi Order to have weird hybrid babies and, for all our sake, everyone agrees to not ask Moonrazor to dot another romance story.
What if the Republic's clone army were cloned from force sensitives and their training revolved around the fact that they were force sensitive?
It is Aurra Sing, not Jango Fett, that hunts down and kills Komari Vosa, leading to her being offered the position of genetic template for the Grand Army of the Republic. Sing accepts once seeing the considerable payout and the Kaminoans begin work immediately. It is soon discovered that the "Sing" clones have inherited the original's Force powers and Dooku decides to take advantage of that fact. He recruits Gray Jedi, Nightsisters and fringe members of the Order itself to instruct the Republic's army in the use of their Force powers. He even personally trains the commandos and ARC troopers on how to fight with and against Lightsabers. By the time of the Battle of Geonosis, a fully fledged army of Force sensitive warriors descend on the Separatists, decimating them in a resounding victory to open the Clone Wars. It remains to be seen, however, which side of the Force this new Clone Army will serve in the end.
What if Vader's secret apprentice was an unmodified clone of himself? (Or just a clone in general)
Disappointed when Galen Marek fails to survive his brutal training, Vader informs the Emperor that he is retiring the idea of having an Apprentice, even as he secretly begins works on a new one. Believing that no one but himself posses the skills he is looking for, Vader uses a combination of Kaminoan technology and his own considerable raw Force power to create a fully Force sensitive clone of Anakin Skywalker. Vader instructs codename Skywalker two in the ways of the Dark Side at first, but finds it increasingly hard to ignore the memory of who he once was when he looks at the copy of his younger, un-corrupted self. Eventually, aware that the Emperor is close to discovering his secret, Vader stages a betrayal of his clone but secretly arranges for his escape to the Unknown Regions. There, Vader hopes Skywalker two will be able to live the life he wants, something the original Anakin was never able to do.
What if darth Vader at least won the duel on mustafar?
At the height of their duel, Anakin moves just a second faster than Kenobi and slices through his hand, ending their battle victoriously. But seeing his friend, his brother, defeated but still begging for Anakin to come back, even as the later prepares for a killing blow, finally brings him to his senses. Ignoring Kenobi, Anakin returns to the platform, takes Padme and departs. The Galaxy as a whole never truly learned what happened next: Shortly after the announcement of the first Galactic Empire, a freak storm devastated the industrial works of Coruscant and not long after, the newly christened Emperor was discovered to be missing. When he failed to turn up even a month later, Mon Mothma managed to position herself as his replacement and begin the long process of reform. Kenobi however, along with the few other remaining newly pardoned Jedi, guessed at the truth of what had happened and wished Anakin and his family luck, wherever they were.
What if Anakin never quite fell in love with Padme and instead falls in love with Ahsoka Tano a few years into the Clone Wars?
To both their sorrow, Padme manages to convince Anakin that a relationship between the two of them would be impossible. It is a lonely and increasingly reckless Anakin that enters the Clone Wars, winning many victories at great cost to himself. A worried Jedi Council assigns him a Padawan, the young and headstrong Ashoka Tano, whom Anakin reluctantly accepts. The chipper young apprentice slowly brings Anakin back out of his shell, even as the two become a legendary pair at the forefront of countless Republic victories. As the years and war drags on, Anakin begins to realize that he is having feelings for his Padawan he hasn't had since Padme. Every attempt to quell them fails and when he finally approaches her, she admits she feels the same for him. The two fall madly in love, leave the Jedi Order to have weird hybrid babies and, for all our sake, everyone agrees to not ask Moonrazor to dot another romance story.
What if the Republic's clone army were cloned from force sensitives and their training revolved around the fact that they were force sensitive?
It is Aurra Sing, not Jango Fett, that hunts down and kills Komari Vosa, leading to her being offered the position of genetic template for the Grand Army of the Republic. Sing accepts once seeing the considerable payout and the Kaminoans begin work immediately. It is soon discovered that the "Sing" clones have inherited the original's Force powers and Dooku decides to take advantage of that fact. He recruits Gray Jedi, Nightsisters and fringe members of the Order itself to instruct the Republic's army in the use of their Force powers. He even personally trains the commandos and ARC troopers on how to fight with and against Lightsabers. By the time of the Battle of Geonosis, a fully fledged army of Force sensitive warriors descend on the Separatists, decimating them in a resounding victory to open the Clone Wars. It remains to be seen, however, which side of the Force this new Clone Army will serve in the end.
What if Vader's secret apprentice was an unmodified clone of himself? (Or just a clone in general)
Disappointed when Galen Marek fails to survive his brutal training, Vader informs the Emperor that he is retiring the idea of having an Apprentice, even as he secretly begins works on a new one. Believing that no one but himself posses the skills he is looking for, Vader uses a combination of Kaminoan technology and his own considerable raw Force power to create a fully Force sensitive clone of Anakin Skywalker. Vader instructs codename Skywalker two in the ways of the Dark Side at first, but finds it increasingly hard to ignore the memory of who he once was when he looks at the copy of his younger, un-corrupted self. Eventually, aware that the Emperor is close to discovering his secret, Vader stages a betrayal of his clone but secretly arranges for his escape to the Unknown Regions. There, Vader hopes Skywalker two will be able to live the life he wants, something the original Anakin was never able to do.
What if darth Vader at least won the duel on mustafar?
At the height of their duel, Anakin moves just a second faster than Kenobi and slices through his hand, ending their battle victoriously. But seeing his friend, his brother, defeated but still begging for Anakin to come back, even as the later prepares for a killing blow, finally brings him to his senses. Ignoring Kenobi, Anakin returns to the platform, takes Padme and departs. The Galaxy as a whole never truly learned what happened next: Shortly after the announcement of the first Galactic Empire, a freak storm devastated the industrial works of Coruscant and not long after, the newly christened Emperor was discovered to be missing. When he failed to turn up even a month later, Mon Mothma managed to position herself as his replacement and begin the long process of reform. Kenobi however, along with the few other remaining newly pardoned Jedi, guessed at the truth of what had happened and wished Anakin and his family luck, wherever they were.
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